
陳嘉芬 退休 / 兼任教授


青蛙 是我的本名, 陳嘉芬 是我的學名



一日充實可以安睡, 一生充實可以無憾



~吹長笛  吹自己做的曲 唱自己做的歌
~喜歡旅行寫生, 寫作, 以圖及文字製作繪本
~游泳, 爬山, 收集標本
~愛吃三花 (麻花, 豆花, 爆米花)

學  歷

國立臺灣大學  理學院  植物學系     理學士B.S.
國立臺灣藝術大學  藝術學院  美術學系   文學士B.A.
美國紐約聖約翰大學  生物科學研究所    理學碩士M.S.
美國紐約聖約翰大學  生物科學研究所    哲學碩M.Phl.
美國紐約聖約翰大學  生物科學研究所    哲學博士Ph.D

經  歷

國立臺灣大學理學院 生化科學研究所研究助理

專  長



目前開授課程:生物文獻導讀、生命科學 (通識)




著 作 (2013.10.07 update)


Jia F. Chen, Ye C. Yang and Wei T. Hsieh. 1975. A thermostable nuclease in Penicillium citrinum. J. Chinese Biochem. Soc., 4(20), 51-56

Yu C. Yang, Jia F. Chen. Shu H. Chen and Wei T. Hsieh 1976. Synthesis of Nuclease P1 in Penicillium citrinum at the various growth conditions. J. of Chinese Biochemical Society. 5(1):32-38.

Jia F. Chen. 1980. Cytogenetics study of diploid and polyploidy of Tagetes sp.Master Thesis. St. John’s University. New York.

Yue J. Lin and Jia F. Chen. 1981. Trisomics and diploid marigold. Tagetes erecta. J. of Hered. 72:441-442.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin.1981.Meiotic multivalents in Tagetes erecta and T. patula. CARYOLOGIA 34(1):107-116.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin. 1981. Multivalents and meiotic irregulatities in diploid an dtetraploid Tagetes. Geneics.97:S20.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin.1982. Chromosome pairing in interspecific hybrids of Tagetes patula and T. erecta. Cytologia 47:737-742.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin. 1982. Chromosome pairing in triploid hybrids of Tagetes. Genetics. 100:S12.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin. 1983.Trisomic Tagetes erecta. Genetics 104:S15.

Jia F. Chen. 1983. Effects of various diets and cyclophosphamide on sister chromatid exchange frequency of rats. Ph. D. dissertation.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin. 1984. The effects of cyclophosphamide in sister chromatid exchange frequency of rats. Genetics. 107:S63.

Jia F. Chen and Jue J. Lin.1984. Effects of cyclophosphamide on sister chromatid exchange frequency of rats. The joint meeting of Genetics Society of America and Genetics Society of Canada. 107:63-64.條紋胡椒鯛

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin 1985. Effects of cyclophosphamide on Sister chromatid exchange frequency of rats on a special diet. Genetics. 110:S95.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin.1985. Improved light sources for induction of sister chromatid differentiation. Cytobios 44:73-87. Cambridge, Great Britain.

Jia-Fern Chen 1986.Effects of various diets and cyclophosphamide on mitotic indices, cellular kinetics and sister chromatid exchange frequencies of rats. Hwa Kang J. of Sciences. 5:37-54.

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin.1986.Effects of cyclophosphamide and diets on sister chromatid exchange frequency of rats. Cytologia , 51:671-678. Tokyo.縱帶鈍齒鳚

Jia F. Chen and Yue J. Lin. 1987. Effects of amino acid-supplemented diests on sister chromatid exchange frequency of rats treated with cyclophophamide. Cytologia 52: 687-692.

后祥芸, 蕭淑玲, 陳嘉芬. 1989. Preset & Lysol 對綠膿稈菌的殺菌性研究. 華岡生物1: 15-24.

Jia F. Chen and Sue Y. Chai.1990.In vivo study of sister chromatid exchange and cellular kinetics in bone marrow cells of Rana catesbeiana. Cytologia, Tokyo. 55:281-286裂唇魚

劉柔妙, 陳嘉芬.1992. Nitrosomethylurea 誘導非洲菫突變之研究. 華岡生物. 2:40-43.

Jia F. Chen.1992. A study of bactericidal activity, stability and corrosion effects of Glutaraldehyre. Hwa Kang J. of Sciences. 8:64-80

Jia F. Chen and Sue Y. Chai.1994. Effect of cyclophosphamide on three herbicide on genetic toxicity and cytology toxicity in Bullfrogs. Hwa Kang. J. of Sciences. 11:1-16.

蕭淑玲, 林瑞宏, 陳嘉芬. 1994. 紗帽山步道木本植物之初步調查. 華岡生物. 4:40-42.

蕭淑玲, 李建全, 童宗明, 陳嘉芬. 1994. 台北及陽明山區地衣種類之調查. 華岡生物 4:43-49.

Shu-Ling Hsiao and Jia-Fern Chen 1995. Ecological investigation of tree-species lichesn in the vicinity of Taipei city. Hwa Kang J. of Sciences. 12:315-338. .

陳嘉芬 1995. 畫眉. 台灣省立鳳凰谷鳥園鳥禽天地雜誌. :17:29-30.

陳嘉芬, 廖繼洲 1996.肥胖的成因與減肥藥 長庚藥訓. 3(4): 1-2

Jia F. Chen and Sue Y. Chai. 1996. Establishment of micronucleus assay in Rana catesbiana. Hwa Kang. J. of science. 13:41-55.

陳嘉芬. 1997. 松果腺素的效用. 長庚醫學學報. 18(1):14-15.

陳嘉芬1997. 小環頸. 台灣省立鳳凰谷鳥園鳥禽天地雜誌. 22: 1-2.

陳嘉芬 1997. 小雨燕 台灣省立鳳凰谷鳥園鳥禽天地雜誌. 23:1-3.

Jia F. Chen. 1997. The relationship of caloric restriction and longevity. Chang Gung J. of Pharmacy. 4(3): 1-2

Jia F. Chen. 1998. 端粒的抑制與活化. 長庚藥學學報. 5(2) 5-7

陳嘉芬, 傅木錦, 陳雅婷, 徐景彥1999. 華岡鳥類相 華岡理科學報 16:41-60.

Chiung-Hui Tseng, Jia-Fern Chen, Guei-Feng Tsai and Chi-chow Liao. 2000, Survey of Highly consumed oral solid dosage pharmaceuticals among Taiwans’s clinics and district hospitals. The Chinese Pharmaceut. Journal, 52:275-286.

Jou M. Liu, Hsin Y. Chang, Chi C. Liao, and Jia F. Chen .2002. Height, weight, BMI and their relationship to menarche in adolescent students. Hwa Kang J.of Sciences. 19: 157-167.

W.K. Poo, J.F. Chen, S.C. Kuo. S.L. Hwiao, C.Y. Chen, J. M. Jhang, Z. A. Lai, S. F. Chen, L. Jin, J.N. Gu, J. H. Sie, H. C. Hsiao, 2003. Studies of fauna and flora around Yangmingshcn-Tien mu ancient trail. Hwa Kang J. of Sciences 20: 27-70

Yi-Ling Weng, Wak-Kim Poo, Jia Fern Chen. 2004. Preliminary study of the foraging behavior of Leptogenys kietteli. Hwa. Kang. J. of Sciences 21:71-84.

Jia F. Chen, W.K. Poo, S.F. Uang, Y. M. Chen, C.Y. Chiang, C.Y. Hsu. 2005. Breeding biology of Formosan blue magpies in Mt. Yang Ming National Park. Hwa. Kang. J.of Sciences. 22: 1-12.

李載鳴, 郭世杰, 陳嘉芬 2006. 雲林濱海地區陸域生態環境監測 濱海工業區海岸工程技術與環境資源管理成果發表研討會 32-44.

J.F. Chen, C.Y. Hsu, H. L. Chang, L. E. Ko, S. A. Pan, H. C. Chang 2007.Effects of Japanese white-eye ingestion on seed dispersal and seed germination The Taipei internation digital earth symposium. 963-974.
